An arvon pull by BDFTP2 Champion Tommy Leitner.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Fifteen more pictures inside

Steve Stotter rolls toward seventh place.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Melissa Trail seedbusted to eighth place with grapevine holds like this.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Melissa Trail reaches for a gitis.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Sixth place finisher Mark Regalbuti kickbrushes.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Yoga master Greg Riley snags a crow.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Co-Tournament Director Greg Riley lunges for
a standing gitis. Riley finished fifth.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
One of the tournaments biggest moves was defending
champ Carl Dobson’s double-spinning triple fake pull to a
double-spinning triple fake catch.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Third place finisher Arthur Coddington works the disc behind his back.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Arthur Coddington sets a catch with a bad attitude shoot.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Dave Lewis grabs a gitis.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Dave Lewis extends for a spinning barrel catch
in the first round while Melissa Trail looks on.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Dave Lewis shows off his 2003 FPA Worlds disc
while catching an aerial gitis.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Dave Lewis reaches for a spinning flamingosis.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Tommy Leitner gets down and dirty with an invert tron.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Tommy Leitner’s signature bad attitude hold.
(Photo: Ami Lewis)
Read the tournament recap
See more photos at Prodiscfreestyle.com
I have a balcony overlooking the beach that is a prime film location for
the First San Diego BDFT. BBQ and refreshments to follow. Jamuary
2004 anyone? or how about Shreduary?
"The Gordie Howe" of Freestyle 😀