(Quicktime, 565k)
Where: Frazier Park, Santa Monica, California
When: September, 2001
Who:Arthur Coddington
Why: Co-op practices for FPAW2001
Watch Arthur do a great move when he spins around plenty.
I really recommend it! It’s a must see!!
worldwide freestyle community
Where: Frazier Park, Santa Monica, California
When: September, 2001
Who:Arthur Coddington
Why: Co-op practices for FPAW2001
Watch Arthur do a great move when he spins around plenty.
I really recommend it! It’s a must see!!
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thank you, Santa Claus!
thats Amazing if you ask me. However i think Arthur could have spinned one more time before the catch.
of course he could- we will see me videotape it 7/23/05
“The Gordie Howe” of Freestyle 😀