Talk About It: Comment Without Logging In

I would love to see more conversation happening in Shrednow’s comments, so as an experiment you can now leave comments without being logged into a site account. It’s possible I will have to go back to the old setting if Shrednow receives a lot of comment spam (it’s a new spam problem – you don’t want to know), but we’ll try it this way until there’s a problem.

The site is wide open for you to express yourself. Click the Comment links and speak up!

A reminder that when you set up a user account (it’s free!), you can submit stories to the site and you get a customizable user page.

2 Replies to “Talk About It: Comment Without Logging In”

  1. Well, it plain hasn’t worked for me… I’ve tried
    to add some comments to various posts, and every
    time (except for this one!) I’ve been returned
    to I thought it might
    be that I have javascript turned off, but it looks
    like you only use that for the Google ads.
    And what’s with all the cookies? I.e., I accepted
    the first LastVisit cookie, but your site wants to
    write it for each page view. Phooey.
    -Anon Y. Mouse

  2. Sorry it hasn’t worked!
    I’m sure there is a simple solution, but at the moment I can’t get at the source code because my laptop was stolen a week ago.
    Cookies. The cookies are sent according to the programming of Geeklog, the open source system that runs this site. Each one has some purpose, but I’m afraid I don’t have much control over that since it’s written into the code. Some browsers let you allow all cookies for a particular site – maybe that will work and make it less annoying.

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