2013 The Jammers Freestyle Championships Day 3

Monday, May 27, 2013 Jacksonville Beach, Florida

Yet another beautiful day today here in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Calm sea, bright blue sky, soft breeze coming in from the east off the ocean. Just super. If you’ve never been to The Jammers, or you have and it’s been a while, it’s not a bad idea to mark this date on your calendar every year. Just a really fine way to spend Memorial Day Weekend. The beach is fantastic for jamming and the welcome is simply wonderful. Thanks again to Cheryl and Paul and the whole crew for laying the foundation for this super event.

We’ve had a great weekend here at The Jammers. Yesterday was another fine day. The ocean beckoned again with little to no rip-tide, low sets of waves to cavort in, and plenty of smoothness to swim some laps or just float in the pleasant salty goodnes. The Spread the Jam Project production team was up at sunrise again filming. Not sure when James and Ryan sleep, or if they do. They are really doing massive work here with all the filming and jamming and competing. The Mixed round provided a nice contrast to the Open from the day before, with more polished routines, and the different energy of genders gelling in the jam. The day ended with a fajita spread, beverages, birthday cake, awards presentation gathering at Carl and Michelle Emerson’s house. What a great time! Thanks to all the Jacksonville Beach crew for all the generosity and kindnes over the weekend. It’s very much appreciated by all.

Yesterday, the playing conditions were pretty much ideal, unless you wanted more wind. Basically, there were not any reasons for excuses, as the Northeast/East wind was puffing in at around 5 to 9 mph throughout the day. Just an easy soft steady breeze within which to bring your game. The jammers responded with lots of fun co-oping, others ringing in the breeze, folks breaking off into a two or three to pull out the shred. Really, really, fine day.

The round of Mixed Pairs went off around 2 pm or so, with a nice little crowd gathered. Bethany and I played 5th, so I wasn’t able to see a lot of the groups ahead of us. The round started with Tito and Mary Grace, two Florida locals getting things going. Next up was Pops and Bernie. Playing 3rd and seed busting above us was the team of Jake and Tita Ugalde. So great to have these two hooked up here at The Jammers, and later at Worlds in Santa Cruz. Heard from Jake that Tita played great, and that they hit their beginning sequence nicely. Next up was Bethany and me. We kept the flow throughout, hit some co-ops, missed others, and had a decent round. Good flow, with hit and miss execution.

Following next were the top three teams. First of these were Lori and Murf. Playing to “Uncle Albert” by Paul McCartney, hitting their co-op sequences nicely, moving smooth and easy to the fine slow music, these guys really brought a fine presentation to the field. Dave Mr. Focus Murphy was not going to be denied this day after his open round, and he was on with every move – precise, in control, rolling, spinning, sealing. Very nice. Lori was a steady partner, pulling off her moves with grace and style. Very nice job here.

Next to last were Cindy and Paul. Lots of nice music choreography here, along with a few stumbles. It’s tough, at this point in the proceedings, being the Tournament Director. You could see a bit of fatigue in Paul as they moved through their routine. Some very fine moments mixed in with a couple of hiccups. They held things together, though, and ended up with a nice routine.

Topping off the round was the team of Lisa and Matt. Lots of high energy here, great co-oping, fine individuals, these two are a well-oiled jam team. Lots of arms and legs arcing and waving through space as they co-oped around the beach. Then the explosion of a Gauthier indy sequence into a multiple spinning catch – and the controlled grace and style of a Hunrichs set, pull, set, spin to extended posture catch.

With 7 teams competing in Mixed Pairs this year, and 3 other women on the sidelines who could have been competing, this was a great showing of women at The Jammers. After watching the competition yesterday, it’s looking like FPA Worlds Mixed Pairs competiton is shaping up to be a fine event. I’m hoping that there will be a nice European showing as well in order to really showcase this particular dynamic aspect of the sport. Could be electric come August.

The Jammers Mixed Pairs Results

1st Lori Daniels / Dave Murphy [video]
2nd Tie Lisa Hunrichs / Matt Gauthier [video]
2nd Tie Cindy St. Mary / Paul Kenny [video]
4th Tita Ugalde / Jake Gauthier [video]
5th Bethany Sanchez / Rodney Sanchez [video]
6th Bernie Murray / Steve Scannel [video]
7th Mary Grace Clark / Tito Andino [video]