The 2007 FPA disc design has been announced. It is a tulip themed graphic (tulips/Amsterdam – get it?) by Carolyn Yabe. Personally, I love it and can’t wait to receive mine (a perk of FPA membership).
worldwide freestyle community
The 2007 FPA disc design has been announced. It is a tulip themed graphic (tulips/Amsterdam – get it?) by Carolyn Yabe. Personally, I love it and can’t wait to receive mine (a perk of FPA membership).
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Wow, thats one of the most beautiful discs I’ve ever seen. How about showing us the runners up? Or am I way back on times and should check out the forum ))
No jump, no catch!
I haven’t seen the other proposed discs. I have to admit I was a little out of the
loop on disc design submissions this year. I haven’t explored the FPA Forum to
see if the other nominations are there, but it would be fun to see them all.
here you see the black/white design of me and Jan. The picture is resized a lot (so uploading doesn’t make much time), that’s why the quality, like you see it here, isn’t 100%.
Now we going to use it as the logo for our t-shirts and so …
Pretty cool too )
No jump, no catch!
Pretty cool too ) Any other posters?
No jump, no catch!
when will the disc be available?
Can I place my "membership-order" right now?
patience is a virtue.
Flo, the discs have not been made yet, but if you renew your membership
through the FPA site, you should receive a 2007 disc when they are ready.
Hi all!
I just would like to notice that 2 jammers membership ordered from wrightlife arrived the last week with the old design.
So I suggest you to wait more time. 🙂
Ciao a tutti!
Hi, this was my submissions (in b/w) for this year.