Brag: Doubles

Triples, quads, 5’s! Those people are mutants. Anything more than two spins is just self-indulgent. Double spinning moves are where it’s at, and they are plenty hard. Talk about your quest for a double, or the double you are most proud of, or the double that blew you away when you saw it.

Brag: The 360

The 360. The single spin. You have to turn completely away from the disc, then find it again and figure out what to do with it. Pretty hard and dizzying.
Tell your story of learning a 360 move. Which 360 is your favorite? What memorable 360’s have you seen?

Rankings: June 2005 – Leitner Takes Over Number 1

It has been several years since anyone but Dave Lewis, Dave Murphy or Arthur Coddington has been ranked number one. Since 1998, those three players have won the big titles and played enough other tournaments to outscore the rest of the players. Now, Tom Leitner has outscored them all and has become the new number one player on the June 2005 rankings.

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Peter Laubert Suffers Heart Attack

1986 US Open freestyle champion Peter Laubert suffered a heart attack last Tuesday in San Diego. He was released from the hospital after two days of treatment and will be recuperating for a month. Though his jamming is on hold right now, he plans to watch the action as a spectator at the upcoming WFDF/Masters/Juniors championships in late June.